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Tae Kwon Do Uniform Buying Guide

The dramatic full-body movement associated with Tae Kwon Do forms and sparring require considerable flexibility and range of motion. Don't let your uniform hold you back. ProForce® Tae Kwon Do uniforms offer just the right balance between durability and flexibility, allowing you to kick, jump, and spin without feeling restricted. Whether you're a student or a 3rd dan black belt competitor, these classic Tae Kwon Do dobok uniforms from AWMA allow you to train and compete in unrestrained comfort.

Choosing the Right Uniform for Your Practice: Color and Weight

While some Tae Kwon Do practitioners (taekwondoin) may choose to wear other colors, most taekwondoin at both novice and master levels wear uniforms in either black or white. You may also see some practitioners wearing uniforms in either black or white with detailing of the opposite color. If you are still a student, check with your instructor or with another member of dojang staff before purchasing a uniform to ensure you get one in an appropriate color. In many cases, instructors wear a black uniform while students wear white, and junior-level instructors may wear white uniforms with black accents. Wearing the wrong uniform color for your rank can be considered disrespectful.

Color may not be a matter of personal preference for your dobok, but weight often is. ProForce® Tae Kwon Do uniforms come in a variety of different fabric weights, giving you the power to choose the right material thickness and heaviness. Uniform fabrics with heavier weights tend to be crisper and more durable, but they will weigh on you more and make you feel hotter. Fabrics with lighter weights are typically most suitable for children and beginners, while heavy fabric weights are best suited for instructors and other expert-level practitioners. Weight ranges are defined somewhat loosely, but in general, they are split into three categories:

  • Light weight: 5 to 6 oz
  • Medium weight: 7 to 9 oz
  • Heavy weight: 10 oz and above

Tae Kwon Do Dobok Sizing

Tae Kwon Do uniforms come in three pieces: pants, jacket, and belt. Belts are earned and are usually given by or purchased from your dojang or martial arts gym, though kids' uniform sets may come with a basic white belt. That means you need to worry about sizing and fit for the uniform top and bottoms only. These are considered unisex garments, but separate kids' sizes are available for younger practitioners. AWMA's Tae Kwon Do uniform options for adults and children are often sold as a set, but you may be able to purchase separates in your size as well if you have a particular preference for a specific style, or if you want a backup pair of pants on hand.

Sizing for most ProForce® Tae Kwon Do uniforms runs in numerical sizes based on height and weight. If you are heavier and shorter than the proportions listed, we recommend purchasing a larger size to ensure that the pants and jacket do not have too snug a fit. It is particularly important for pants to be loose enough to allow easy movement and bending.

Caring for Your Tae Kwon Do Uniform

Many instructors require that students clean and press their Tae Kwon Do uniforms before every class. ProForce® uniforms are made from durable and washable cotton-poly blends that are easy to care for. However, even the best-tended uniform will wear out and become dingy over time. White uniforms in particular can lose their brightness or become stained. When your Tae Kwon Do dobok starts to lose its luster, it's time to replace it with a new one.

Useful Features to Look For

Due to the high kicks and other demanding movements used in Tae Kwon Do, it's important to have a full range of motion, particularly around the waist, hips, and legs. Our Tae Kwon Do pants feature an elastic drawstring waist to facilitate that full range of motion. You'll also want your pants to have a reasonably loose fit without being so loose that they cause motion impediments of their own. Jackets with side vents at the hips are ideal for allowing high kicks and spinning kicks, which are important movements in Tae Kwon Do. Reinforced stitching is also a good feature to look for in your dobok as you will be moving your body in new and perhaps unexpected ways while training and competing.